Have a physical product or service to sell? A musician or artist who wants to sell their work as a digital download? We can help! Whether you would like a simple Paypal ‘Buy/Subscribe Now’ button or a fully powered e-commerce solution with multiple payment gateways and product/stock management.The beauty of our bespoke site development is it’s personal to you and/or your business. It’s tailored around your exact needs to complement the brand, image and identity of your business.
You have the freedom to describe your products and services in exactly the way you want!No matter what type of bespoke site you need, you get the same e-mail or telephone consultation for your requirements from a highly-experienced Web Designer.

All Business Plans include

A solution to receive Online Payments

A professional personal domain Email Address

12 months registration of your own domain

12 months free & unlimited hosting

One-to-One email/phone contact with your Web Designer

Good for Small ventures
Up to 7 Predesigned Web Pages
Include Images and Video
Customised Contact Form
PayPal/Stripe Checkout: ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Donate’ Buttons
Blog (seamlessly integrated within site)
Visitor Comments (with Moderation)
Social Media Share Buttons
Google Maps Integration with Route Planner
Personalised Domain Email Address
Logo Design Assistance
12 Months After Sales Support
Good for Entrepreneurs/Medium to large Businesses
Unlimited User Designed Web Pages
with Content Management System (CMS)
Include Images, Video and Audio
Customised Contact Form
(allowing File Attachments)
Full e-Commerce Solution
with product/stock/order management
Blog (seamlessly integrated within site)
Visitor Comments (with Moderation)
Full Social Media Account Integration
Google Maps Integration with Route Planner
3x Personalised Domain Email Addresses
Logo Design Assistance
12 Months After Sales Support
Only available to Good Causes/ Non-profit Organisations
Up to 5 Predesigned Web Pages
Include Images, Video and Audio
Standard Contact Form
PayPal/Stripe Checkout: ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Donate’ Buttons
Blog (seamlessly integrated within site)
Full Social Media Account Integration
Google Maps Integration (embedded)
Personalised Domain Email Address
12 Months After Sales Support
Good for Small ventures
Up to 7 Predesigned Web Pages
Include Images and Video
Customised Contact Form
PayPal/Stripe Checkout: ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Donate’ Buttons
Social Media Share Buttons
Personalised Domain Email Address
12 Months After Sales Support
Good for Entrepreneurs/Medium to large Businesses
Unlimited User Designed Web Pages
with Content Management System (CMS)
Include Images, Video and Audio
Customised Contact Form
(allowing File Attachments)
Full e-Commerce Solution
with product/stock/order management
Blog (seamlessly integrated within site)
Visitor Comments (with Moderation)
Full Social Media Account Integration
Google Maps Integration with Route Planner
3x Personalised Domain Email Addresses
Logo Design Assistance
12 Months After Sales Support
Only available to Good Causes/ Non-profit Organisations
Up to 5 Predesigned Web Pages
Include Images, Video and Audio
Standard Contact Form
PayPal/Stripe Checkout: ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Donate’ Buttons
Blog (seamlessly integrated within site)
Full Social Media Account Integration
Google Maps Integration (embedded)
Personalised Domain Email Address
12 Months After Sales Support

Our web-design packages are feature-set and outlined as below. However there are other factors that can affect the price of your website. Please plan and consider carefully in order to keep your costs down.

Copy typing: Having to transcribe large tracts of text from paper documents takes time. You should always try to provide your copy in electronic format. The actual format is not particularly important as long as it is saved in a file. Even basic emailed text is fine. The formatting would have to be changed for the web anyway.

Changing your mind: If we develop your website or part of your website as agreed with you and you subsequently change your mind about what you need, the work done will still have to be paid for. This makes it important that you carefully specify your website before work commences. Be sure to plan your website and know what you want. We can help you with this on request.

Graphic design work: Graphic design is probably the single most time consuming part of developing a website. If your site requires lots of original graphic design work expect to have to pay a little extra for this.

If required we can make your website user updateable with a website content management system (CMS). You can then make your own website updates and change your website content on a daily basis if necessary.
CMS solutions are included with Premium and Business Pro packages as standard, however a CMS can be added to any other web-design solution for an additional fee (see pricing list of additional services).

We cannot really put an estimated price on websites like these since complex features are often requested that can make the cost of one significantly more than another. All we can say is these would probably fall under the business-pro package bracket, however please contact us for a more precise quotation.

Lots of people don’t want the hassle of website content management and if you are one of these we can make changes to your site upon request. For this, we have a list of additional services priced and outlined below, otherwise our minimum charge is only £25.00 per hour’s worth of updates.

Promotional QR Code £10
Google Analytics Installation £20
Email Address (Personalised to domain, webmail hosted for 12 months) £35
Chat Room £45
Forum/Message Board £50
Online Survey & Response Tool £75
eCommerce Plugin £115
iPhone/iPad formatted version of site £75
Content Management System (CMS) £79
Logo Design £75
Matching promotional flyer (A6 Size) £40
Matching promotional flyer (A5 Size) £50
Additional 12 months Hosting & Domain £125
Copy of all site-related files and SQL databases on DVD £250
Ad-hoc additional work/site updates Min £30 per hour